Publisher’s Welcome
Martin D. Jean
In This Issue
Rita Ferrone, editor
“You’d Lose Your Spirit If You Didn’t Sing”
[If I could write a cry]
Christian Wiman
Song Whose Beauty Deepens Prayer
Thomas H. Troeger
The Body That Sings
Mark Lazenby
Sacred Folk Song
James Abbington
Work Songs
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Singing the Psalms: Three Perspectives
Great Art and a People’s Music
Judah M. Cohen
Psalm Singing in Roman Catholic Liturgy
Paul Inwood
All of Life Can Be Sung
Don E. Saliers
All Creation Sings
Canticle of the Sun II
John Coburn
The River of Life
Honan Chapel, Cork
Accompanying Song in Worship
Ike Sturm
Preparing a Hymn
Thomas Murray
A Changing Landscape
Acoustic Challenges in Worship-Space Design
Scott R. Riedel
International Adoption Agents
Emily R. Brink
Have Hymnals Become Dinosaurs?
Karen B. Westerfield Tucker
One Final Note
[It may be Lord our voice is suited now]
Christian Wiman
The Yale ISM
The ISM is an interdisciplinary graduate center at Yale University. It engages with the sacred through music, worship, and the arts in Christian communities, diverse religious traditions, and public life.