To Our Readers

Our spring issue of The Yale ISM Review is devoted to the Passion of Jesus Christ. In it we have collected examples of how this central mystery of the Christian faith has inspired and continues to inspire music, art, literature, homiletics, liturgy, and devotion. You will also find in these pages contributions that wrestle with ethical and theological questions surrounding the Passion. Our hope is that what we have been able to offer here will inform, stimulate, and enrich your own response to the sacred story and the works that depict it.

The Yale ISM Review is published by Yale Institute of Sacred Music. It is a biannual, open-access online publication serving practitioners in the fields of sacred music, worship, and the related arts. Thank you for visiting us today. If you like what you see, subscribe! Subscription is absolutely free and open to all.

~ Rita Ferrone, editor

April 2, 2015

Table of Contents

Volume 1.2 Spring 2015

Cover Yale ISM Review Volume 1.2 Spring 2015

The Yale ISM

The ISM is an interdisciplinary graduate center at Yale University. It engages with the sacred through music, worship, and the arts in Christian communities, diverse religious traditions, and public life.