Makoto Fujimura
from the Walking on Water series
Artist’s note: The Walking on Water images were painted in the new Princeton studio. They were meant as an elegy to victims of the 3/11 tsunami. As I attempted to finish the last of the three, Walking on Water – Banquo’s Dream, Superstorm Sandy hit, wiping out some fifty works of mine at Dillon Gallery. Thus, the process of painting has now become, literally, a way to “walk on water.”
Makoto Fujimura, recently appointed Director of Fuller’s Brehm Center, is an artist, writer, and speaker. He was a Presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts from 2003 to 2009. Fujimura’s work is exhibited at galleries around the world, including Dillon Gallery in New York, Sato Museum in Tokyo, The Contemporary Museum of Tokyo, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts Museum, Bentley Gallery in Arizona, Gallery Exit and Oxford House at Taikoo Place in Hong Kong, and Vienna’s Belvedere Museum. In celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, Crossway Publishing commissioned and published The Four Holy Gospels, featuring Fujimura’s illuminations of the sacred texts. His most recent book, Culture Care, was published in 2014. Fujimura is a recipient of four Doctor of Arts Honorary Degrees and was awarded the American Academy of Religion’s 2014 Religion and the Arts Award.