Volume 4.1 Winter 2018

Among the Poor
Eating Jesus
Sara Miles
Dorothy Day, the Catholic Worker, and the Liturgy
Patrick Jordan
Transformation Behind Bars
Ron Jenkins
“Without It Becoming One More Pillaged Thing”
The Poor
Roberto Sosa, translated by Spencer Reece
A Place in the World: The Chiapas Photography Project in a Context of Poverty and Wealth
Carlota Duarte
Worship That Celebrates the Reign of God
What about the Woes?
Adam M. L. Tice
The Psalms and Human Poverty
Don E. Saliers
“Tin Heaven”? Church Architecture and Poverty
Ayla Lepine
Clothing in the Worship Assembly
Ruth Meyers
One Final Note
Wealth, Church, and the Transformation of Early Christian Worship
Helen Rhee
The Yale ISM
The ISM is an interdisciplinary graduate center at Yale University. It engages with the sacred through music, worship, and the arts in Christian communities, diverse religious traditions, and public life.