Volume 6.1 Spring 2021

Guest Editor’s Introduction
Mark Roosien
Disaster and After
Notes on Grief
LeRhonda S. Manigault-Bryant
Jewish Liturgical Responses to the Roman Destruction of the Temple
Ruth Langer
Disasters and Worship Today
Building Communities of Song in Online Spaces
Robin J. Freeman
Music as Embodied Memory in a Time of Crisis
Tony Alonso
Bold Humility: Dismantling White Supremacy Culture in White-Dominant Churches
Marcia W. Mount Shoop
Preaching During the Twin Pandemics of COVID-19 and Racism: A Conversation with Lisa Thompson and Andrew Wymer
Lisa L. Thompson & Andrew Wymer; Mark Roosien, host
Depicting the Liminal: Art, Migration, and Occupation
Faces of a Disaster
Margaret Olin
Eye of Witness, Hand of Faith: The Art of Asylum and New Retablos at the Border
Valarie Lee James
One Final Note
On the Challenge of Singing a New Church and a New World into Being: Liturgical Space and Prayer Amidst the Planetary Emergency
Daniel P. Castillo
Volume 5.1 Fall 2019 – Healing

In This Issue
Rita Ferrone
As Creation Groans
Looking Again: Reflections Among the Trees
Karen L. Kilcup
Congregations and the Healing of Creation
Dorothy C. Bass
A Gift Received—and Passed On
The Heavenly Physician: Jesus as Healer in Early Christian Art
Lee M. Jefferson
The Church’s Work of Healing: Prayer, Laying on of Hands, and Anointing
Lizette Larson-Miller
“Can These Bones Live?” Dancing with Skeletons in Unlikely Ballrooms
Jill Y. Crainshaw
The Healing for Which We Long and Labor
Judith M. Kubicki, CSSF
Bridge Builders, Cultural Translators, Meaning Makers
The Making of Street Symphony
Vijay Gupta
Liturgy in Hard Times
Kathleen LaCamera
For What and for Whom Do You Pray? Coercion, Consent, and the Healing of Ableism
Rebecca F. Spurrier
One Final Note
At the Hour of Our Death
Lydia Dugdale
Volume 4.1 Winter 2018

Among the Poor
Eating Jesus
Sara Miles
Dorothy Day, the Catholic Worker, and the Liturgy
Patrick Jordan
Transformation Behind Bars
Ron Jenkins
“Without It Becoming One More Pillaged Thing”
The Poor
Roberto Sosa, translated by Spencer Reece
A Place in the World: The Chiapas Photography Project in a Context of Poverty and Wealth
Carlota Duarte
Worship That Celebrates the Reign of God
What about the Woes?
Adam M. L. Tice
The Psalms and Human Poverty
Don E. Saliers
“Tin Heaven”? Church Architecture and Poverty
Ayla Lepine
Clothing in the Worship Assembly
Ruth Meyers
One Final Note
Wealth, Church, and the Transformation of Early Christian Worship
Helen Rhee
Volume 4.2 Fall 2018 – Beatitudes

On the Cover: The Beatitudes, Illuminated
Visions of Blessing
Climbing the Mountain of the Beatitudes
Peter S. Hawkins
Blessing and the Face of Being
Christopher Irvine
Living the Beatitudes
Poverty of Spirit and the Spiritual Life of Children
Cathy George
Lessons from the Music of the Global South
Swee Hong Lim
The Christian Funeral and the Blessedness of Mourning
Thomas Long
Places to Mourn for Those Who Have Lost Their Place
Teresa Berger
The Meek Will Inherit the Earth
Michelle Lewis
Preaching the Just Word
Walter J. Burghardt
Composing the Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy
Paul Inwood
Living as Sacramental Jars of Clay
Hyuk Seonwoo
Building Peace Through Music
Benjamin Bergey
What Kind of Righteousness? What Kind of Blessing?
Cheryl Cornish
One Final Note
Herménégilde Chiasson, translated by Jo-Anne Elder
Volume 3.1 Fall 2016

In This Issue
Rita Ferrone, editor
Savoring the Mystery
Music and Divine Encounter in Bach’s Christmas Oratorio
Markus Rathey
The Magi and the Manger: Imaging Christmas in Ancient Art and Ritual
Felicity Harley-McGowan and Andrew McGowan
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna
Arthur P. Urbano
Born in Us Today: The Gospel of Incarnation
Wendy Farley
Keeping the Feast
A Meeting of Domestic and Liturgical Rites: Joy and Light in Orthodox Christmas
Nicholas E. Denysenko
Christmas in Fear, or Looking over One’s Shoulder at the Crèche
Susan K. Roll
The Grinch that Didn’t Steal Christmas: A Reformation Story
Bruce Gordon
The Christmas Hearth
Oana Sanziana Marian
One Final Note
Can We Still See Calvary from Bethlehem?
R. Guy Erwin
Volume 2.1 Fall 2015

In this Issue
Rita Ferrone, editor
The Mystery of Water
A Blessing Over Waters
Teresa Berger
The Water Worlds of John Muir
Anne Rowthorn
Praying for Rain in the California Drought
Megan Sweas
Ten Fathom Ledge
Martha Serpas
Walking on Water-Azurite
Makoto Fujimura
Martha Serpas
The Gift of Water
Water in the Book of Common Prayer
Jeffery Rowthorn
Why We Need an Altar Call to the Font
Benjamin M. Stewart
A ‘Saguaro Church’ at Worship
Talitha Arnold
The Rain: A Funeral Story
Michelle Lewis
Trial by Water
Stormy Weather: A Homiletic Essay
Maggi Dawn
Hope Travels Below Sea Level
Teresa Berger
One Final Note
Water and the Spirit
Don E. Saliers
Volume 1.2 Spring 2015

In This Issue
Rita Ferrone, editor
The Passion: Light and Shadows
Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!
Teresa Berger
Jews, Christians, and the Passion of Jesus
Mary Boys
A Study Guide to Performing the Passion
Rita Ferrone, editor
Who Is This Jesus, Who Was Crucified?
Who Do You Say That I Am? Jesus in Gethsemane
Peter S. Hawkins
Jesus Weeps
Malcolm Guite
I Am the Door of the Sheepfold
Malcolm Guite
Devotions and the Passion
Kongo Triple Crucifix
Cècile Fromont
Rereading the Stations of the Cross through Art
Timothy D. Cahill
One Final Note
Jon Sobrino, SJ

Publisher’s Welcome
Martin D. Jean
In This Issue
Rita Ferrone, editor
“You’d Lose Your Spirit If You Didn’t Sing”
[If I could write a cry]
Christian Wiman
Song Whose Beauty Deepens Prayer
Thomas H. Troeger
The Body That Sings
Mark Lazenby
Sacred Folk Song
James Abbington
Work Songs
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Singing the Psalms: Three Perspectives
Great Art and a People’s Music
Judah M. Cohen
Psalm Singing in Roman Catholic Liturgy
Paul Inwood
All of Life Can Be Sung
Don E. Saliers
All Creation Sings
Canticle of the Sun II
John Coburn
The River of Life
Honan Chapel, Cork
Accompanying Song in Worship
Ike Sturm
Preparing a Hymn
Thomas Murray
A Changing Landscape
Acoustic Challenges in Worship-Space Design
Scott R. Riedel
International Adoption Agents
Emily R. Brink
Have Hymnals Become Dinosaurs?
Karen B. Westerfield Tucker
One Final Note
[It may be Lord our voice is suited now]
Christian Wiman